terça-feira, 28 de maio de 2013

Ayurvedic Home Remedies -Safe Herbal Treatment for Diseases

by DrMaulik August 16, 2012

Ayurvedic home remedies refer to the treatment of health problems using natural herbs and spices available in the kitchen or backyard garden. It is not a secret anymore that the modern medicines have more side effects than effects. Especially in the case of chronic diseases (lifestyle diseases in particular) the modern medication is prescribed for longer duration that is likely to cause several complications. 

According to some unofficial survey, every fourth person in the world is on herbal treatment in one or the other way. Though most of the Ayurvedic treatments are not recommended by FDA, the word-of-mouth about its effectiveness in alleviating signs and symptoms still spreads.

The experts in herbal science and holistic healing believe that the body has its own capacity to heal. Only in certain cases such as infection, it may require some external help of some medicines. In fact, if the body has powerful immunity, the infection is less likely to occur.

Having this said, for any sign or symptom in primary stage should be first treated with herbs and spices. Certain spices and herbs have medicinal properties as described in ancient texts of Ayurveda such as Charaka Samhita and Madhav Nidana.

On the initial stage of any health problem, it is easy to treat signs and symptoms. Natural therapy and Ayurvedic physicians advise treating such minor problems with Ayurvedic herbs and formula so that the body heals the problems naturally. Modern medicine may cause some adverse effects if used in early stage of any health problem. 

There is no list of health ailments that can be healed using Ayurvedic herbs and spices. Nevertheless, most of the signs and symptoms of any disease can be lessened in their intensity. In fact, in certain cases such as sore throat, common cough and cold, body pain such as low backache, headache and muscle sprain can be treated using home remedies in Ayurveda. 

Generally yes! There are two types of Ayurvedic therapies –internal and external. Most of the external Ayurvedic cure is safe. Internal medication in Ayurveda is better taken with Ayurvedic physician at the helm. 

Ayurvedic remedies do include certain mineral formula that one should not take without strict observation of qualified Ayurvedic physician. 

Here I list some of the common Ayurvedic remedies that help in alleviating the signs and symptoms. 

Holy basil is known as Tulasi in Ayurveda. It is one of the best remedies for common cough. Chewing 10-15 medium sized basil leaves relieves the cough. 

Turmeric is known antiseptic herb. The paste of raw fresh turmeric can be applied onto the minor wound. This quickens the healing without applying any antibiotic cream. 

Licorice is another wonderful Ayurvedic herb used in homemade remedies. It is best throat soother and used in sore throat condition. 

Ginger and the black pepper are other Ayurvedic spices that help aid in the process of digestion. You can drink Ayurvedic cleansing tea to flush impurities from the stomach and also to improve the digestion. 

There are many other Ayurvedic homemade remedies that help in alleviating signs and symptoms of common health conditions. You may try them as they are safe and effective.


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